Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Snowboarding and school

Stuart, Morgan and Joshuah have been in Colorado for around 10 days now and it has been a pretty hectic time.  Stu opened a US bank account the day they arrived and the language problems began.  The bank lady had difficulty understanding him when he told her his Australind address, so rather than spell it out in his broad Australian accent, he thought it best to write it down!  That worked.  He has bought, licensed and insured two mean feat.... and fortunately didn't have to do a driving test.
On the weekend, the three of them went to Loveland...a skiing area just over 1 hr from where we live.  They took lessons on the first day and seemed to have picked up snowboarding pretty quickly, with Stuart only knocking over two instructors, people in a queue and best of all...Morgan!  Looks like Joshuah's skateboarding has helped him.
Stuart, Morgan and Joshuah at Loveland

We have had a nightmare of a time trying to enrol Joshuah in to High School and had spent months and months on the phone and email trying to arrange it before we left.  We eventually sorted it and emailed through 17 pages of required enrolment documents to the "District Office" early November. We were assured this was all we needed.  On the Pupil Free Monday (Stuart's first day) he left work to go to "District Office" to enrol Joshuah.  Surprisingly, all went well.  Then he went to the High School to enrol him there (after arranging to meet someone, while he was still in Australia).  It took him 1/2 hr before he could get to see the arranged person because he didn't  have an appointment time, which they knew before he left staff were reluctant to let him meet the person.  He finally got to see her and all was going well until she asked to see all of Joshuah's reports from Yr 8 - 12.  No one had told us we needed those and we had only added his Yr 11 and 12 reports ourselves as a courtesy.
So at 2am WA time the phone rang. It was a very frustrated Stuart who had been told if we don't have all of Joshuah's school reports, he could not be enrolled!!  So I had to search for them all (half asleep), scan them, photograph them etc etc and email them to the school.  Fortunately they accepted it and we can happily say Joshuah is now enrolled and has had his first day today.
Stuart's first teaching day went well.  He is teaching IT to  K - 5.  Today he had a lesson with the Kindy kids who don't speak English and have a Spanish translator in the class.  As Stuart speaks, she repeats it in Spanish!  Could make for an interesting time.  They didn't get to the computers...instead he had them dancing and imitating kangaroos, emus, wombats etc which they loved.  He also was singing along with them about bananas.  They were saying "baa naa naa" in their strong American accents and he was saying "bu nuh nuh" in his strong Australian accent.  Eventually he gave in and said"baa naa naa"!!!  I cant believe he has gone to the dark side already and it's only his first day!!!  He was also informed by one of the kids he had his shirt on inside out, to which he replied: "Yeah, that's good luck in Australia".  Amazingly the boy said "Oh, OK" and left it at that.  He'll be using that line now every time he stuffs up (which is often)!!
Joshuah's first day was OK..... as far as I can tell.  It was like pulling teeth when I rang him to find out how it went.  "Good, OK, nuh, alright, don't know, maybe".  The superlatives went on and on!  The school recited the Pledge of Allegiance which of course Joshuah didn't know.  Fortunately our years of Catholic Education haven't gone to waste as he chose to recite the Leschenault Catholic Primary School song instead!!  At the end of the day he even got on the right "Simpsons"  yellow school bus which delivered him to the front door.
Tomorrow afternoon Stuart and Joshuah will drive Morgan to Greeley (UNCO)...about 1 1/2 hrs away from home, where he will be living on campus and going to Uni.  When they were snowboarding on the weekend, they stopped at a grocery store to get supplies.  Morgan (who always says he knows everyone) ran into an American guy that went to ECU on exchange, knows Morgan and is a student at UNCO!  What were the chances?

Some other interesting occurrences:
*a man walking down the street with a Samurai sword in his hand.
*No noise near the insects, wind, leaves, birds, cars...nothing.
*A pizza shop in the middle of a Target Superstore.
*Morgan being asked if he was from Scotland (due to his accent)
*Joshuah being called a Puerto Rican, because his K Mart shirt had Puerto Rico on it! He now wants to get a shirt with Mars on it in the hope someone thinks he's a Martian!!
*A young kid in a shop looking at bows and arrows (real ones) and asking Morgan and Joshuah which one would be best.
*Cheap beer and Morgan can't drink it!

Till next time......


  1. A great post, Jen. The dramas continue! Keep up the writing. Josh - tell us about school!! We want to know what it's like!

  2. Good one Jen - I would love to know more about school and Uni too. Not long before you get there too :)
